English Language Arts
Classroom Management

5th Grade Morning Work – Math ELA Spiral Review

5th Grade Morning Work – Math ELA Spiral Review

This resource is a COMPLETE year of Daily Review OR Morning Work for all Math and English Language Arts Standards for 5th Grade. That is 180 pages, or a fresh new page for each morning/day of the school year!

Grade Level: 4th, 5th, 6th, Homeschool
File Type: ZIP, PDF, Google Apps
Number of Pages: 180


Product Description

This resource is a COMPLETE year of Daily Review OR Morning Work for all Math and English Language Arts Standards for 5th Grade. That is 180 pages, or a fresh new page for each morning/day of the school year!

**A digital version is also included for use with Google Classroom.**
With the digital version, you have the option to go 100% paperless.

This resource starts with 15 pages of 4th Grade Standards. This is so your students can start the year reviewing these standards before 5th grade material is introduced.

Check out the preview, and try it out for two weeks in your classroom! The preview contains 10 pages of Daily Review OR Morning Work for free!

Included in this resource:
·180 pages of standards-aligned math and language questions
·Detailed answer keys with standards listed for each questio
·Vocabulary and Greek and Latin roots and affixes word study questions
·Review or “fact check” questions that either spiral back previous grade levels’ standards, or review important concepts that students need to practice
· Examples and hints to promote autonomy and independence with new concepts
· Fun and exciting games and riddles to keep students interested and on task
· 36 days of reading passages covering every single Reading Literature and Reading Informational Standard
· A comic strip that aligns with the multimedia standards in Reading Literature
· Binder covers and spines to make super-cute workbooks or binders for boys and girls
· Instructions on organization, implementation, and binder assembly (double-sided printing, etc.)

As always, please ask ANY and ALL questions before purchasing. Thank you so much!

Thank you, and enjoy!

Copyright© 2014 Kristine Nannini
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.
Not editable.


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5th Grade Morning Work – Math ELA Spiral Review