In my classroom, students start each morning by completing a page from my Daily Morning Work resource.
Before we started a morning work routine, our mornings were chaotic. Students were were lingering in the hallway, socializing, or using the time to read or finish work from the previous day. Trying to complete those important morning tasks and get the students ready to start the day was crazy! You know how that goes, right?!
Well, I knew that something needed to change. I needed something that was engaging enough to get my students excited to work each morning. But, I also needed something that would help them review important concepts they needed practice with.
This resource is intended to get your students started off on the right track each morning. By using my Daily Morning Work, your students will develop a strong routine and receive constant review of Common Core-aligned problems. Because this resource allows your class to work independently, you will have time to take attendance and get organized for the day while they work.
This resource includes a special section of teacher instructions to help you get started. In these teacher instructions, you will find information on how this resource is organized, ideas on how to assemble this resource, printing instructions, and copy/paper-saving ideas. I also answer questions about grading morning work and even give you ideas on implementation!
For teachers interested in organizing their students’ work into a 3-ring binder, I have included binder covers and binder spines.
Each resource is a year-long resource with 36 weeks of content. Each week, the first four pages are a mix of both math and language questions, with each question aligned to a specific Common Core Standard.
I worked very hard on each individual question in these resources. Knowing how important (and difficult) it can be to keep my students engaged, I made sure each page is full of visual examples with problems and questions that are fun for students to complete!
For example, instead of having students simply write numbers in standard and word form, they can fill out a personal check for fun and real-world practice. Other examples include answering problems to solve riddles, games, crossword puzzles, color by number, calculating batting averages of famous baseball players, etc., etc.!
In addition to being fun and engaging, it is also important that the problems are aligned to the standards and stretch your students’ thinking. The problems are designed to be intuitive and allow your students to complete them independently. So, new and difficult concepts are introduced with appropriate examples and hints to allow autonomy.
With both grade levels, you will also find vocabulary questions or a Greek/Latin affix question on each page. Since it can be tough to squeeze these important concepts in, reviewing them in our morning work has been so helpful for my students to get the extra practice! Below are a few snapshots from 5th grade:
There are also a series of review or “fact check” questions that either spiral back previous grade levels’ standards, or review important concepts that students need to practice. Some review concepts include elapsed time, money/making change, grammar, fractions, cursive, editing sentences, geometry questions from previous grade levels, letter writing, addressing envelopes, locating continents, and many more!
The fifth page of each week contains a reading passage with either questions or a graphic organizer for students to complete. Each reading passage is aligned to the Reading Literature or Reading Informational standards.
The first fifteen pages of the 5th grade resource are aligned to the 4th Grade Common Core Standards. The first fifteen page of the 4th grade resource are aligned to the 3rd Grade Common Core Standards. This is so you can start your year with this resource and review last year’s concepts before jumping into 5th grade material.Â
Last but not least, I’ve included answer keys! Detailed answer keys are included with the standards listed for each problem.Â
You can download the preview to get two free weeks to try out in your classroom! Click the button below to grab this 5th Grade freebie!
Click the button below to download the preview and get two free weeks!
You can download the preview to get two free weeks to try out in your classroom! Click the button below to grab this 4th Grade freebie!
Hello Kristine, I wanted to first say congratulations on your marriage. I was looking up common core standards and unpacking them when I stumbled across your page, best thing Ive ever done! I purchased your 5th Grade Common Core ELA/Literacy Assessments and Teaching Notes, student tracking, and teacher tracking packets from TPT. We have been in school a full nine weeks and I was struggling with getting information out for my students. I will be setting up their notebooks this week and I need some assistance with your materials. First, I wanted to know what do you do after the pre-assessment? How long per objective? Can you walk me through a typical week with these resources or a video clarifying all the information that you provided. I want to set up their notebooks this week and have a definitive plan next week to implement them. Any additional information will be a God-send.
Hi Mrs. T! Thank you so much for your kind words! They mean so much! :) I’d be more than happy to help you! Send me an email at [email protected]. Thank you!
Hello Kristine, Thanks so much for your reply. I sent you a second email with some additional questions a couple of days ago. I know you are busy; however, I was just touching base to see if you received it? If so, I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I’m really excited to see that you are working on this for 4th grade! This is fantastic. I also love that you start with the year before to give students review and not overwhelm them with standards they haven’t learned yet. I also love the reading passages on Fridays. I agree with another poster that this looks intensive and you really thought it out. I can’t wait for the 4th grade version!
All of your work is amazing! I am in awe of the time and hard work that I know you have put into everything. I, too, can’t wait for the 4th grade version of this resource! Thank you so much for sharing your awesomeness with all of us! :)
Kristine! This looks really fine! I’ll be trying out your two weeks’ trial when school starts later this month although I’m a bit concerned that it may be difficult for them, being Arabic first language students. I’m also starting them off on the Interactive Notebook idea, so I’m going to try and incorporate this into the notebook – I hope it works!
Thank you again for what you do with such obvious passion!
Awesome resources!! You wouldn’t, by chance, be working on a third grade version, would you?? I know this is a great deal of work, but third grade would so appreciate! Thanks for all you’re doing. :)
Thanks so much, Lisa! I appreciate your kind words! I haven’t decided if I will be creating a 3rd grade version. Make sure you follow my store to receive an email notification if I do decide to create it. Thanks again!
Hi there! I found you on Pinterest and I love what I see! I was able to download the 5th grade preview but the 4th grade preview link keeps bringing me to your TPT store. Would you mind sending me the correct link for the 4th grade preview. I teach 4th and would love to use this next year. Thanks!
Hi Kristine! I am very interested in your 5th grade daily morning work, but I wanted to know if you have a version that only includes ELA practice?
Hi Renee- Thanks for your comments! I do not have a Morning Work with ELA only. I do have my ELA Assessments and Teaching Notes that you could definitely use as morning work. I hope that helps!
This looks intensive. It covers a lot.
4th grade?! coming soon i hope
I have officially started it! Just not sure when it will be done! :)
Hello Kristine,
I wanted to first say congratulations on your marriage. I was looking up common core standards and unpacking them when I stumbled across your page, best thing Ive ever done! I purchased your 5th Grade Common Core ELA/Literacy Assessments and Teaching Notes, student tracking, and teacher tracking packets from TPT. We have been in school a full nine weeks and I was struggling with getting information out for my students. I will be setting up their notebooks this week and I need some assistance with your materials. First, I wanted to know what do you do after the pre-assessment? How long per objective? Can you walk me through a typical week with these resources or a video clarifying all the information that you provided. I want to set up their notebooks this week and have a definitive plan next week to implement them. Any additional information will be a God-send.
Thanks so much,
Mrs. T
Hi Mrs. T! Thank you so much for your kind words! They mean so much! :) I’d be more than happy to help you! Send me an email at [email protected]. Thank you!
Hello Kristine,
Thanks so much for your reply. I sent you a second email with some additional questions a couple of days ago. I know you are busy; however, I was just touching base to see if you received it? If so, I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Hope all is well,
Mrs. T
Hi Matoya! Yes, I received your email. I’m working on your response now! Thanks again!
I’m really excited to see that you are working on this for 4th grade! This is fantastic. I also love that you start with the year before to give students review and not overwhelm them with standards they haven’t learned yet. I also love the reading passages on Fridays. I agree with another poster that this looks intensive and you really thought it out. I can’t wait for the 4th grade version!
@Amy- Thank you so much for your kind words! I absolutely love this resource, so I can’t wait to share with with 4th grade teachers! :)
All of your work is amazing! I am in awe of the time and hard work that I know you have put into everything. I, too, can’t wait for the 4th grade version of this resource! Thank you so much for sharing your awesomeness with all of us! :)
@Thank you so much for your kind words!
How is the 4th grade Daily Morning Work coming? Your resources are absolutely amazing!!!
Hi Heather! It’s coming! I’m about 75% done, then I have to take it through a couple rounds of edits. I promise I am working SUPER hard on it! :)
We are departmentalized at my school. Do you by any chance have your products separated? Math? ELA? I only need the math portion.
Hi Angela- I don’t have this product separated. But, I do have tons of other ELA and math resources in my store! Check them out here:
Kristine! This looks really fine! I’ll be trying out your two weeks’ trial when school starts later this month although I’m a bit concerned that it may be difficult for them, being Arabic first language students. I’m also starting them off on the Interactive Notebook idea, so I’m going to try and incorporate this into the notebook – I hope it works!
Thank you again for what you do with such obvious passion!
Awesome resources!! You wouldn’t, by chance, be working on a third grade version, would you?? I know this is a great deal of work, but third grade would so appreciate! Thanks for all you’re doing. :)
Thanks so much, Lisa! I appreciate your kind words! I haven’t decided if I will be creating a 3rd grade version. Make sure you follow my store to receive an email notification if I do decide to create it. Thanks again!
I second Lisa. A third grade version would be the best thing ever! Please! : )
Thanks for your interest! :)
Hi there! I found you on Pinterest and I love what I see! I was able to download the 5th grade preview but the 4th grade preview link keeps bringing me to your TPT store. Would you mind sending me the correct link for the 4th grade preview. I teach 4th and would love to use this next year. Thanks!
Hi Nancy- Here is the link to my 4th Grade Morning Work: Just copy and paste the link in your browser. Thanks!
Hi Kristine! I am very interested in your 5th grade daily morning work, but I wanted to know if you have a version that only includes ELA practice?
Hi Renee- Thanks for your comments! I do not have a Morning Work with ELA only. I do have my ELA Assessments and Teaching Notes that you could definitely use as morning work. I hope that helps!