Thanksgiving Math Games, Centers, and Activities

I’m here to update my loyal followers on my latest Thanksgiving products. They have been in my store for a bit, but I wanted to share with you, too!

I blogged about my Thanksgiving Coordinate Graphs in a previous blog post. Click HERE to learn more about them!

My latest products came from a dire need for my kids to review the math concepts they need extra help with!

My Fall and Thanksgiving Math Centers and Activities Pack have been a life saver!

I have been using the activities in my guided math/math workshop rotations and for early finishers. One of my sweet girls asked if she could take home the fraction cards for extra practice after she finished her homework. I made answer keys for these activities and centers to make life easier for all of you. Parents also appreciate it so they know that their child is doing the work correctly.
Here are two of my students working one of the activities:

I laminated the cards and let my kids use wet-erase markers to solve the problems on them. That way I can re-use them from year-to-year. Plus, the students don’t feel like you’re just giving them worksheets. Something about the pretty leaves, lamination, and markers makes learning so much more fun. ;)

Here are the girls doing another activity, which requires them to line up a series of decimals from least to greatest or greatest to least.
Another activity my students completed was the “Color by Quotient” activity. It is an upper-el spin off of Color by Number. Perfect for morning work, too! My students love doing these during indoor recess and I even let them tape them to the sides of their desks to dress up our classroom during the holiday season!

Also included in this packet are a number of different fraction activities.:

Also, I’ve included practice with writing algebraic expressions. We start algebra next week, but some of my high kids have been begging for fun practice pages!

Here is the complete preview of these Thanksgiving Centers and Activities:

You can see more and check out a larger version of the preview by click HERE or the button below!
I’ve also uploaded a Thanksgiving version of my Persuasive Writing Pack!
 I will be back to share more about this pack, because we just started using it in our classroom today! My kids are loving this guy though: 
Click HERE  to see a preview of this pack!


  1. I would love a copy of your awesome persuasive writing pack. I hope this posts because I have been having trouble with it. Your blog rocks!!
    [email protected]

  2. Anonymous says:

    The math centers look great! Too bad I just missed the freebie. Keep up the great work that you do!

  3. I’m bummed I missed my chance! I follow you on TPT to I always know when you have new items. Love the Math centers!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Would love a copy of your color by quotient Turkey page if it’s still available.


  5. I love your ideas and your products! You have really motivated me and my students this year and I am thankful. I had two students stay after school and work with your games today because they needed extra review with fractions and ratios. Thank you for all of your hard work.

  6. Thank you so much everyone. You don’t know how much your kind comments mean to me! I appreciate them all so much. To know I am helping you teachers and your students EVEN A LITTLE BIT makes me so happy. Thanks so much for your comments and for reading!!! :)

  7. Beach Lovin' Teach says:

    Ahh just missed it! Your packs look wonderful!

  8. Beach Lovin' Teach says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mrs. Wells says:

    Love your awesome ideas! You’re a great inspiration


  10. Stevie B. says:

    Love this! What font do you use for your titles and where did you find it? I love it and I can’t seem to find it anywhere!

  11. Oh my gosh!! How did I miss this?? These centers would have been perfect. OY! Oh well, will still work…I will just tell them they are Christmas turkeys ;) On my wish list :)

    Teaching in Room 6

  12. It is nice to definitely dig up a website the location where the blogger is clever. Thanks for creating your website.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I am a new teacher and I am looking for some fun activities for math/Thanksgiving. I would really love a copy of your math packet, it would be so helpful!
    [email protected]

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