THANK YOU Linky Party

Two awesome linky parties are happening, and I thought I’d join in to party with these fab ladies!
…from Stephanie at:


…from Lyndsey at:
I often feel like a young, spring chick in this blog world amongst some big celebrity teacher bloggers, but it’s safe to say they have all embraced me and welcomed me into this world with open arms.
I am forever thankful for the ladies below (amongst MANY others).
People I am thankful for: 
*Stephanie Moorman of Teaching in Room 6 (the fab girl holding the linky party!) became a quick favorite of mine. When I read her blog, I seriously think I want to be her. ;) I am awed by the care and creativity she puts into every single lesson.  Her ideas on creating Colonial flags, creating hanger people biographies, and taking a stand about what you believe in are personal favorites of mine.  She helped me realize that some of the best “assignments” and lessons come out of a great project!


*Kristen from Ladybugs Teaching Files for being a sweetheart and inspiring me to keep blogging. I am a newbie blogger and a rather young teacher. Being a young teacher, I often feel that my ideas are novice. When Kristen contacted me this past summer because she loved an idea I had written about, I was FLOORED. Are you kidding me? One of my teaching blog idols likes one of my ideas? ME? The kindness and feedback she gave me honestly brought me to tears. You can read about it HERE!


*Most importantly, the community of teacher bloggers and readers that have helped me to be a better teacher. The blogging world has put a little extra pep in my step and has helped me have the best teaching year I have ever had. Let’s face it, being creative makes every day so much fun.  I am doing things with my students that I never dreamed possible and it is all because of the amazing network of teaching bloggers that are sharing their ideas, and for those who allow me to share mine with them.  :)


Click HERE and HERE to link up and share some of your thankful thoughts, and I’d love to hear what teaching blogs have done for many of you readers as well that don’t have blogs to share! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am a huge fan of yours! I found your blog a few months ago, right about the time I was starting my own, and I just love reading about your ideas! I am also a fellow Michigander! Thanks for inspiring me in the blogging world!

  2. Thanks Melissa!! I appreciate your sweet words!! Love that you’re a Michigander too! Where are you from/teaching?

  3. That is so sweet of you to say Kristine! I am in awe of the work that you put out too…so standards based and rigorous (which I LOVE!) You made my day :) Thank you so much for linking up.

    Teaching in Room 6

  4. Aw I’m glad!! Thank you TOO! The blog world is such an awesome one. In a tough profession it’s nice to have each other!

  5. I live in grand blanc and teach in a district called Kearsley. Looks like you are from Royal Oak. I lived there for awhile right out of college. A lot of fun memories from that town. Pronto’s chili is the best!!!

  6. Oh Kristine, thank you!! What a lovely thing to say! I’m very grateful for your blog. Your ideas are always incredible and I have learned so much from you. Thanks again! :) :)

  7. Thank you both Kristen and Michelle! I appreciate your comments! The blog world is an amazing place! Even after a day of exhausting conferences, it’s nice to come here and feel the love!! :) THANK YOU!

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