Can’t.Stop.Crafting! Scratch Offs!
Even though I have NEVER claimed to be a crafter, when I saw this awesome idea on Pinterest, I figured this could be something I could handle! After a little digging, I found that this incredible idea belongs to the blog ArtMind.
I plan to use these scratch offs as an incentive in my classroom. Some ideas that come to mind include: someone who consistently turns in their homework, someone who is caught paying it forward, perhaps one new star student a week or month?! The possibilities are endless, but I have NO DOUBT in my mind my kids will go GAGA for them!
You will need:
-Colored card stock (buy the small ones that are already cut, or cut your own)
-Contact paper
-Modge Podge or glue
-Silver paint and paintbrush
-Dish soap
-Printable “lottery tickets”
1.) Download and print out the “lottery tickets” found below. Cut them apart on the solid line.

2.) Modge Podge or glue the printable “lottery ticket” to your pre-cut card stock (I bought the card stock this size, but you could just free-hand cut your own).

3.) Cut a square of contact paper large enough to cover the square above on the lottery ticket. You can cut the contact paper so that it is large enough to cover the entire lottery ticket, but it is not necessary.

4.) Now that your contact paper is on your lottery ticket/card stock, squirt out a little bit of silver paint onto your work surface (no special silver paint here- I just grabbed the first bottle I saw).

5.) Next, grab your dish soap and squirt a little bit right onto your silver paint. Then mix the paint and dish soap together.

6.) Last, simply brush the soap/paint mixture right onto your contact paper. It’s ok if a little soap/paint gets onto the plain paper, but the key is to keep it on the contact paper, since this is what the kids will be “scratching”.

Please don’t mind my fuzzy pictures or my nasty un-maincured nails, as pajamas and bed-head have been a staple for me for a few days (or weeks- shh!)
Click HERE to grab the scratch off “lottery tickets” I created!

See the link below for the step-by-step instructions that I used to guide me:
How to Make Scratch Off Lottery Tickets
Happy (kind of) crafting! :)