English Language Arts
Classroom Management

4th Grade ELA Assessments

4th Grade ELA Assessments

This resource includes all standards including reading comprehension (literature and informational), writing, language/grammar, fluency, speaking and listening. These are COMPLETE 400+ pages of Assessments and Teaching Notes for ALL English Language Arts Standards for 4th Grade. These will cover your entire year!

Grade Level: 4th, Homeschool
File Type: ZIP, PDF, Google Apps
Number of Pages: 400


Product Description

This resource includes all standards including reading comprehension (literature and informational), writing, language/grammar, fluency, speaking and listening.

These are COMPLETE 400+ pages of Assessments and Teaching Notes for ALL English Language Arts Standards for 4th Grade. These will cover your entire year!

Use them for more than just assessments. They are a perfect supplement to your English Language Arts Curriculum.

·These will work with ANY reading program and allow teachers to conduct a thorough assessment of a standard.
·The teaching notes included in this resource break down each ELA standard into easy-to-understand skills that students will master at the completion of the standard.
·Every standard listed has an assessment and a cover page with space to document the pre/post-assessment score and the “I can” statements.

Check out the 50+ page preview for a closer look at some of what is included in these assessments.

**A digital version is also included for use with Google Classroom.**
With the digital version, you have the option to go 100% paperless.

Reading Literature Assessments:
-Included are 14 reading literature passages, poems, and plays.
-The assessments are a mix of multiple choice questions and higher level thinking written response questions. (5 questions total with 2-3 multiple choice and 2-3 written/constructed response questions)
-Each assessment comes with answer keys for both the multiple choice and written response questions.
-Also included are embedded videos to assess the multimedia standards.

Reading Informational Text Assessments:
-Included are 12 informational passages that are cross curricular (science/earth, social studies, etc.).
-The assessments are a mix of multiple choice questions and higher level thinking written response questions. (5 questions total with 2-3 multiple choice and 2-3 written/constructed response questions)
-Each assessment comes with answer keys for both the multiple choice and written response questions.
-Also included are photos and graphs to assess the standards on text features.

Writing Assessments:
-Included for the main standards are: writing prompts with student planning pages and student writing booklets.
-Each prompt has a continuum of answer key papers (an example of a level 4 student’s writing, an example of a level 3 student’s writing, an example of a level 2 student’s writing, and an example of a level 1 student’s writing. See preview).
-Each individual writing substandard includes a partially completed student’s writing that students must complete to master the substandard. These assessments are similar to the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
-Each partially completed substandard writing assessment comes with an answer key.
-See the preview for more detail.

Standards Assessed Include Both Main Standards and Substandards

Language/Grammar Assessments:
-All Language substandards are assessed using a mix of multiple choice, written response, matching, short answer, etc. types of questions with answer keys.

Standards Assessed Include All Substandards

Fluency Assessments (Reading Foundational Skills):
-Included are decoding and defining words assessments and answer keys.
-Reading fluency passages and assessments with student note pages.

Speaking and Listening Assessments:
-All standards and substandards include rubrics that are written in an easy to understand language to assess your student’s speaking and listening skills.

Standards Assessed Include Both Main Standards and Substandards

Please know that 100% of the content in this assessment is different than the 6th grade version, 5th grade version, and the 3rd grade version. If you also purchased any other grade level, you will receive 100% original content when purchasing this 4th grade version.

As always, please ask ANY and ALL questions before purchasing. Thank you so much!

Also see this FAQ freebie to help with implementation in your classroom:

Thank you, and enjoy!

Copyright© 2013 Kristine Nannini
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.


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4th Grade ELA Assessments